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Timed Maze Minigame

Students will design and make a basic maze game where the goal is to reach the end of the maze before the countdown ends.

Concepts at a Glance

Curriculum Connections

Curriculum Ties
In addition to satisfying multiple core competencies)

ADST Core Competencies:


  • Collaborating :  Share progress while making sure to increase feedback and collaboration. 


  • Creative Thinking: Take creative risks in generating ideas and add to others’ ideas
  • Critical and Reflective Thinking: Screen ideas against criteria and constraints first, students will brainstorm and think consciously about their decisions before making the game.

Personal & Social 

  • Social Awareness: Students will be brainstorming and problem solving with their peers in a constructive and respectful way.
  • Social Responsibility: Students identify their personal values and strengths and abilities to determine ways they can design and develop a unique game.

Curriculum Ties
In addition to satisfying multiple core competencies)

ADST Curricular Competencies 

Understanding Context: Empathize with potential users to find issues and uncover needs and potential design opportunities. Putting themselves in the shoes of someone playing their designed game.


  • Students will be able to define the main objective for the design of their game.
  • Identify key features
  • Identify criteria for winning/losing and any constraints


  • Choose an idea to pursue
  • Generate potential ideas and add to others’ ideas
  • Screen ideas against criteria and constraints
  • Evaluate personal, social, and environmental impacts and ethical considerations

Prototyping: Students will build a prototype of their maze game from potential ideas in the design.


  • Students will be able to test their game as it is being developed. 
  • Gather peer and/or user and/or expert feedback and inspiration. 
  • Make changes, troubleshoot, and test again.

Making: After multiple rounds of testing and alterations, students will be able to construct the final product incorporating all of the planned changes.

Sharing: Students can use a variety of different methods and platforms to share their constructed tower. You can also allow time for students to peruse each other's towers in groups. 

Applied Skills

  • Students will be able to develop their design and presentation skills. 
  • Drafting: elements of plans and drawings
  • Media Arts: techniques for using images, sounds, and text to communicate information, settings, ideas, and story structure

Optional Extension: Language Arts

  • Students will write a backstory for their minigame demonstrating an understanding of literary elements such as:
  • theme, character, setting, plot, conflict, and purpose


Activity Instructions


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Lesson Plan

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