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K-1 to 6

Science of colors

By integrating art and science through various STEAM activities students will explore about various concepts such as rain formation, importance of chlorophyll molecule, chromatography as a separation

Concepts at a Glance

By the end of thelesson, the learner will be able to:

·       Createartwork using rainbow paper.

·       Developways of creating artwork using chromatography.

·       Createartwork using chlorophyll pigment.

·       Explorethe concepts of force and how it impacts motion using watercolors.

·       Learnabout cloud formation and rain through a colorful activity.  

Curriculum Connections


Grade 1

Properties oflight.

·       Objects are made visible by radiating theirown light or being illuminated by reflected light.

·       Interactions of light with different objectscreate images and shadows.

Grade 2

Forceinfluences the motion of an object.

Types offorces balanced and unbalanced forces:

·       the way differentobjects fall depending on their shape (air resistance)

·       the way objectsmove over/in different materials (water, air, ice, snow).

Grade 5

Solutions arehomogenous. Properties of solutions.

Grade 6

Separation of mixtures using difference in component properties. density (e.g.,centrifuge or settling, silt deposits in a river delta, tailings ponds, Romanaqueduct settling sections) particle size (e.g., sieves, filters).

Grade 6

local First Peoples knowledge

historical andcurrent First Peoples use of separation and extraction methods (e.g., eulachonoil, extraction of medicines from plants, pigments, etc.


    Rainbow  paper activity:  

Black  Card Stock Paper.


·        Bowl/ flat container with  water.


·        Transparent nail polish.


·        Cloth towel.


·        Q tips.


·        Hand gloves.


        Chlorophyll painting:


·        White sheets of paper.


·       Leaves  from different plants (non-poisonous)


·       Metal  spoon.




·        Chromatography paper strips.


·       Plastic  cups


·       Highlighters  or markers of different shades.


Rainbow Rain:


·       Long glass jar.


·       Food colors of  different shades.


·        Glass jar


·        Shaving Cream


·        Plastic cups


·        Droppers.


·       Water.


Force and motion painting:


·       White  papers


·       Liquid  watercolors of different shades.


Activity Instructions


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