Grade 1 Science:
Living things have features and behaviours that help them survive in their environment.
Names of local plants and animals - general classification of the animals.
Grade 3 Science:
Biodiversity in the local environment
Grade 4 Science:
Big Ideas: All living things sense and respond to their environment.
Grade 5 Science:
First Peoples knowledge of sustainable practices
Grade 1 Math:
Numbers to 20 represent quantities that can be decomposed into 10 and 1s.
Concrete graphs help us to compare and interpret data and show one-to one correspondence
Grade 2 Math
Concrete items can be represented, compared, and interpreted pictorially in graphs.
Grade 4 Math:
Regular patterns can be identified and represented using tools and tables.
Grade 5 Math:
Data represented in graphs can be used to show many-to-one correspondence.