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Pixel Art

Zoom into the computer screen & learn all about pixels! Students combine art and computer science to let their creativity and visualization skills fly. This activity can be done plugged (on computers)

Concepts at a Glance

Learn what pixels are and why they are needed incomputers.

Use creativity, visualization to create ownartwork using pixels.

Understand the basic colour scale and primaryvs. secondary colours.

Curriculum Connections

ADST Applied Technologies

● Select, and as needed learn about, appropriatetools and technologies to extend their capability tocomplete a task

● Identify the personal, social, and environmentalimpacts, including unintended negativeconsequences, of the choices they make abouttechnology use

● Identify how the land, natural resources, and cultureinfluence the development and use of tools andtechnologies


● K/1: Engagement in the arts creates opportunitiesfor inquiry through purposeful play

● 3: Creative experiences involve an interplay betweenexploration, inquiry, and purposeful choice.

Core Competencies

● P&S: Students given the opportunity to reflect personally &socially to tell a story that interests them and theirpeers.

● T:Critically think to problem solve and apply computationalideas to a new software.

● C: Communicating through telling a story using multiple AItechnologies. Demonstrate inquiry into topics of interest &communicate story to the intended user.


● Plugged Version:

○ Just Laptops!

● Unplugged version:

○ Grid Paper

○ Colouring Utensils (pencil crayons, crayons, markers)

Activity Instructions

Unplugged Version

1. Give each student a square piece of graph paper.

2. Ask them to think of their favourite EMOJI! (this canbe anything you want.)

3. Ask them to recreate the emoji on the graph papertreating the little squares as pixels.

a. RULE: each square can only be one colour.

Plugged Version

:Instead of graph paper, students use an online program tocreate their art in!

1. Go to:

2. Demo the program or let them explore! It’s a coolprogram & students pick it up really quickly!

● Pick a colour on the right hand side.

● Click on the square you would like to colour.

3. Ask them to recreate their favourite emoji in theprogram!


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Lesson Plan

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