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Science Deconstructed.

Students will explore the tenets of Nature of Science as well as environmental sustainability by making eco-friendly and budget friendly homemade shampoos of their choice.

Concepts at a Glance

By the end of this lesson, the learner will be able to:

·      Evaluate collaboratively about their beliefs and understanding about how science works.

·      Identify the following tenets of nature of science:

1.    Scientific knowledge is produced on empirical evidence(based or derived from the observation of the natural world).

2.    Scientific knowledge is tentative. It keeps changing with new evidence.

3.    Scientific knowledge is subjective, it is influenced by the bias and preferences of scientists.

4.    Science is also influenced by the social settings as well as the culture of the place where it is being practiced.

5.    Science is a human endeavor which is influenced by the imagination and creativity of scientists.

·      Explore Environmental Sustainability through making their own eco-friendly homemade shampoo.

·      Evaluate collaboratively in bringing environmentally sustainable options as well as solutions.

·      Exercise scientific literacy by collaboratively analyzing the scientific data and developing hypothesis to arrive at informed decisions.

·      Design and develop a formulation of their own homemade shampoo.

Create their own homemade shampoo.

Curriculum Connections

Grade 7:Science

·      Earth and its climate have changed over geologicaltime (How do people and their practices impact Earth and its’ climate?)

·      Survival needs.

·      First Peoples knowledge of changes in biodiversityovertime.

·       Evidence ofclimate change over geological time and recent impacts on humans: local FirstPeoples knowledge of climate change.

Grade 9:Science

·      Sustainability of systems.

·      First Peoples knowledge of interconnectedness andsustainability.

Grade 10:Science

·      Rearrangement of atoms in chemical reactions (How dochemical processes-personal, local or global affect your life?

Local and global impacts of energy transformations from technologies.


For Activity 1: Trade your cards: Cards with  statements about science, scientific knowledge written on them (the  statements are true about science while some about scientific myths).  

Activity 2: Sticky notes.

Activity 3: Cards on which information about various  ingredients for the shampoo are written. 15 cards can be used for a group of  students.

 Shampoo making activity (Basic shampoo):  

1.  Liquid  Castile Soap

2. Water.

3. Choice of  essential oils.

4. Paper cups  and spoons for mixing.

(Students can bring small bottles/jars/zip lock bags to carry their shampoo home).


Activity Instructions


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