Students will design & build a hydroelectric dam that powers a city. (The “city" will simply be a breadboard with as many LED lights as the hydroelectric dam can power.
Concepts at a Glance
Curriculum Connections
Electrons and leptons.
First Peoples knowledge of local geological formations and significant local geological events.
Electric current is the flow of electric charge.
Circuits — must be complete for electrons to flow.
Voltage, current, and resistance.
Sustainability of systems.
Electricity is generated in different ways with different environmental impacts.
Law of conservation of energy.
Potential and kinetic energy.
Transformation of energy.
Local and global impacts of energy transformations from technologies.
Water as a unique resource (earth sciences).
Energy is found in different forms, is conserved, and has the ability to do work (physics).
Conservation of energy; principle of work and energy (physics).
Power and efficiency (physics).
Electric circuits (DC), Ohm’s law, and Kirchhoff’s laws (physics).
B.C. resource deposits and others: origin and formation, economic, environmental, and First Peoples considerations (geology).
Gravitational potential energy (physics).
Electric potential energy, electric potential, and electric potential difference (physics),
Electrostatic dynamics and energy relationships (physics).