Students explore both the scientific method and the engineering design process in a way that emphasizes applied skills.
Science Curricular Competencies
Questioning and predicting: Students will practice formulating good questions and hypotheses.
Planning and conducting: Students will collaboratively design and conduct an experiment.
Processing and analyzing data and information: Students will consider the best way to analyze their results as appropriate to their grade level.
Evaluating: Students will be encouraged to reflect on the quality of their work and consider how they might improve future experiments.
Applying and innovating: Students will consider the implications of their results and how they may solve current problems or inform future research.
Communicating: Students will be able to share their work in a variety of ways.
ADST Curricular Competencies
Understanding Context: Students will gather information through their own research, background knowledge or from in class lessons.
Defining: Students will be able to identify the main objective for the design of their invention and any constraints by discussing with teachers and peers.
Ideating: Students can work by themselves or in groups in order to generate potential ideas and add to others’ ideas.
Prototyping: Students will be given the opportunity to build a prototype from their potential ideas.
Testing: Students will be able to test and present their prototype and gather feedback from teachers and peers.
Making: After multiple rounds of testing and alterations, students will be able to construct the final product incorporating all of the planned changes.
Sharing: Students can use a variety of different methods and platforms to share their constructed equipment.
Applied Skills
The materials needed for this activity will depend on the topic given and/or the research interests of the students. The following materials are suggestions, but can be easily changed depending on what is needed or available.