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Creative AI
An activity involving the use of artificial intelligence to assist in the creative process of storytelling
Concepts at a Glance
- Use creative AI tools to create a visual story.
- Combine creativity (story-telling) with digital literacy.
- Demonstrate digital literacy in trying a new software.
Curriculum Connections
Applied Technologies
- Select, and as needed learn about, appropriate tools and technologies to extend their capability to complete a task
- Identify the personal, social, and environmental impacts, including unintended negative consequences, of the choices they make about technology use
- Identify how the land, natural resources, and culture influence the development and use of tools and technologies
Grades 6+
- Design can be responsive to identified needs.
- Complex tasks require different technologies and tools at different stages.
- Visual programming
English 6+
- Language and text can be a source of creativity and joy
- Computers
- Optional: paper & writing utensil for brainstorming
Activity Instructions
Lesson Plan
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